What stage of the process should I connect with a publisher?

Different companies recommend going to a publisher at all different stages. At Page to Pixel, we recommend talking to us ASAP. The more involved we are in the early stages of your work, the faster we can get your work out to the public.

What does the publishing process look like?

Depending on where you are in your project, we will help you with piecing it all together. We can assist with project management, getting games on Steam (and further), marketing, deadlines, editing, printing, graphic design on the finished product, book store readings, influencer marketing, social media, sales, advertising, and more!

What if I only need some marketing help?

Reach out! We are happy to help with copywriting, editing, design, website building, and all things marketing.

How much do you charge for publishing?

We don’t charge you, you’re the creator! How much we invest is fully dependent on what stage you are in on your project, how much work is required on our end, the forecasted future of your product, and what the timeline to publication is. We are happy to get you a full breakdown within 48 hours of your free consultation.

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